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Support Groups

MND Victoria offers a range of support group programs to support people with MND and their carers, family members and friends.

Programs take on a variety of forms and offer participants the opportunity to meet and share experiences with others in a similar situation, give and receive strategies and tips, learn about living well with MND and receive support for loss and grief.  The length and format of the groups varies based on the needs of the group participants.

Living with MND

The Living With MND Groups run for approximately 1.5hours for 4 consecutive weeks by Zoom or in person. The groups are an opportunity to meet others who are navigating MND, get tips about helpful strategies, services and resources. and to hear from expert speakers.

The groups are facilitated by a MND Advisor/Support Coordinator and a member of the Education and Client Support Team

The groups welcome all people with MND and their carers/support person, although some of the content is aimed at supporting people who are newly or relatively newly diagnosed with MND.

2024 Program: Living with MND is planned to run in February, May (face-to-face), July/August, and November/December. 

All groups are online except for the May group.

For more information or to join the Living with MND Program, please contact us at info@mnd.org.au or call us on 1800 777 175 or register on our events page here

Living with Slow Progressing Conditions

This group is open to anyone living with slow progressing MND or Kennedy’s disease, their carers or a support person. It provides an opportunity to make connections, ask questions and share experiences and information about living with a slower progressing condition. 

Meetings are hosted every 3 months over Zoom. Please contact your MND Advisor/Support Coordinator to discuss this further or email Carmela at cquimbo@mnd.org.au

Kitchen Table Conversations for Carers

Kitchen Table Conversations provide a safe space for carers to ask questions, share experiences, learn from each other and support each other. Hosted by Andrea Salmon, Carer Program Coordinator at MND Victoria along with Lynette and Karl, past carers, these conversations are run monthly via Zoom on the:

  • 1st Friday of the month at 2:00 pm, and
  • 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm

Register to attend by emailing carer.support@mnd.org.au or call our office on 03 9830 2122.

Check out more supports for carers here

National Youth Hub for Young Carers 

For younger people who are connected to and caring for someone with MND

Young carers play a big part in the journey of someone diagnosed with MND, and they need a robust support network

The MND National Youth Hub provides information, support services and tools for young carers ages 5 to 24 years old.

Read More 

Operated by MND New South Wales 

For more information on the National Youth Hub, please contact us at info@mnd.org.au or call us on 1800 777 175

Where can I find further information?

If you would like more information about any of the group programs or would like to register interest or provide feedback, ideas or suggestions, please contact our Information Team.

Call 1800 777 175Email Us
