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MND Advisor - Support Coordinator

MND Advisors meet with newly diagnosed people and their families to provide information about the disease, offer advice and support and make an initial assessment of their specific service and support needs. Ongoing support and advice is provided to meet the individual’s changing circumstances.

Each MND Advisor works in a defined geographical area which enables them to develop expert understanding of the services in their region. MND Advisors help to navigate the service system for people living with MND to ensure that they are linked into services that will meet their needs. They are assisted in their role by volunteers who follow up with and provide additional services to clients as required.

MND Advisors also advocate on behalf of people living with MND and provide information, training and advice to agencies and government departments to ensure that the best possible care and support is available.

MND Advisors are to able to support those eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to enter the scheme and guide them through the planning process. People with MND, who have an approved plan with a provision for support coordination, may elect for their MND Advisor to provide support coordination, ensuring the continued service of their MND Advisor once they commence as a participant in the NDIS. In addition to their role as an MND Advisor, MND Advisor – Support Coordinators can also assist with ongoing advocacy to the NDIS and provide support to activate and manage your NDIS plan including assistance with establishing appropriate home and community supports as funded by the plan.

Where can I find further information?

For further information about the NDIS including eligibility criteria, please see the NDIS website.

The MND Advisor - Support Coordinator Service is delivered by qualified professionals who have knowledge of MND, the NDIS and extensive experience in the community services sector.


Submit a request for our services

Please click the button below to submit a request for our services

Should you require further information, please contact the services helpline on 1800 777 175 or send us an email at the address below.

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