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Health Professionals Webinar Bundle - 5 Webinars

The 2023 MND Victoria and MND NSW Health Professionals Webinar Series will provide an overview of a variety of topics relevant for health professionals working with people living with MND. The series includes 5 webinars.

11:00AM - 5:00PM Tuesday 14th March - Thursday 30th November 2023

By registering for this series - access will be provided to all 5 of the 2023 Health Professionals Webinar recordings. Topics include:

Webinar 1: A multi-disciplinary approach to managing pain in MND (MARCH 14th 11am)

Dr Matthew Ligtermoet, A/Prof Jaclyn Yoong and the team from Northern Health MND Clinic will present on preventing, assessing and managing pain in MND.

Webinar 2: MND and palliative care. (JUNE  5th 11am)

Dr Fiona Runacres (Palliative Care Specialist) and Maryanne McPhee (My Neuro-Palliative Care Project Manager) from the Neuro-Palliative Service at Calvary Health Care Bethlehem will provide an overview of palliative care in MND, including indicators for referral.

Webinar 3: Psychosocial support for families affected by MND (JULY 27th 11am)

Janette Wallish (Clinic Coordinator and Social Worker) and Aleisha Brown (Social Worker) from the MND Clinic at Barwon Health in partnership with MND Victoria will outline psychosocial impacts of MND on families and share tips and resources for addressing psychosocial needs in MND.

Webinar 4: Intimacy and sexuality in MND (AUGUST  3rd 11am)

Tess Deveze (ConnectAble therapies), Occupational Therapist specialising in sex and intimacy, and Lois Quick, Clinical Nurse Consultant (Metro South, Brisbane) will share their expertise.  The webinar will include:

  • a framework and tips for communicating about sex and intimacy
  • helpful strategies/interventions.

Webinar 5: Managing nutrition and swallowing in MND (OCTOBER DATE TBC)

Emma Thomson (Dietitian, All About Nutrition) and Susannah Bonner (Director of All About Speech Pathology) present a conversation about managing nutrition and swallowing in MND.  Emma and Sue work together for the Central Coast NSW MND Clinic and Central Coast Local District Health Service.
